December / January 2017
The Editors Letter
Lighting our log burner this evening I noticed a headline in a Telegraph property supplement (we buy the paper only on a Saturday; it’s a good read for the week) bearing the legend “Village Retirement”
Now, I realise what I’m about to say [rant] may upset even folks I have come to know and respect. I didn’t read the article but can imagine, as many true locals can, that it refers to those who have made their corporate fortunes or invested ‘wisely’ in the surviving pension schemes that haven’t been decimated by even more greed driven nutters, and have sought the comfort of a ‘rural idyll’ to fill the gap between their ridiculously overpriced city dwellings and their ridiculously overpriced retirement homes.
To cram the whole thing into a multi-million pound nutshell all this has done over the past two or three decades is to create a situation where local kids - should they want to remain such - have no chance of affording a property in their own area.
I am conscious that, from now on, I am generalising to a degree.
It wouldn’t be SO bad if the incomers used local services and shops instead of peering out from the curtains waiting for the next delivery of groceries from the Sainsbury/Waitrose/Tesco - or even. dare I say, Asda or Iceland Van (other competition annihilating outlets may be available). But they buy their grub and booze based on price rather than quality or taste and seem satisfied to close their quadruple locked doors of an evening rather than go to the pub and ‘integrate’ ‘assimilate’, or basically ‘get to know’, the folks, even if they be, next door. They set their alarms and wait for eternity at the expense of so many local businesses many of which we have recently lost.
It is, however, great to see artisans at work at the former Villager and The ‘Monk’, and we welcome the final opening of The Kirton Cafe which deserves our support.
So, it comes to my annual review - which I have just initiated!
This year of 2016 has seen many losses both locally, nationally and global. I don’t have time, and you are, doubtless not interested, in my list. But you’re going to get it anyway.
Friends have lost friends and I have lost family members as well as a few contemporaries.
People who - to use a well worn phrase - formed the soundtrack to my youth. Lemmy (the Hawklord rather than the Ace of Spades) Ziggy Stardust, and more recently, JY and Leonard Cohen. Many more have passed.
Such is the way of things.
We have Brexit, but I just wish that the folks we elected - and those we haven’t (Theresa) would just accept the fact that the people who legitimately got you the cushy jobs in the first place said “Bugg*r Off” to the Froggies, the Belgians, the Spanish, et al and want you to do what you think you may be good at. The rest of the world, the Commonwealth, those we trade with, don’t trade with, would like to trade with, are all available and willing. Sort it to the best advantage of, well basically, me! I am now running over to the next page.
As an end of year message, and I ought to do it every month because you deserve it, thanks goes out to all of you volunteers who deliver this rubbish and put it through well over two thousand letter boxes most months of the year. Many of you have been there for almost fifty years. The community should recognise and be grateful for that commitment. Thanks to Audrey, Mary and Andrew. And thanks go to you who read and comment.
The Kirton Church Fund
Well done to this month’s winners, both of whom have won before. In fact most of our players have won once or more. Since we started in June 2012 we have had 46 different winners over the 51 monthly draws. Our luckiest winner has won 7 times! Remember you have to be in it to win it!
Sadly, August saw us lose another member but we did gain a new member too and also a new member has signed up to start in September so we now have 47 members taking part. However there is still plenty of room for more members and there is a very good chance of winning in the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw.
You too could join the Kirton Church Fund (KCF) monthly draw and win! Come and join us, anyone over 18 may take part. The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund. The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.
You can join at any time during the year and you can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month. (£50 if joining for the whole year and £28 for 6 months.) Registration forms are available in church or from Fay, please ring 01205 723529.
The September draw takes place on Sunday 25th with the winning numbers printed in the NovBoth our winners for the October have won before, one 5 times and the other twice. Congratulations to them both.
There is still time to join the Kirton Church Fund monthly draw in time for Christmas. Wouldn’t a Christmas win come in handy? We have plenty of room for new members and there is a very good chance of winning. Anyone over 18 may take part. Just give Fay a ring for a registration form (01205 723529) or call in Kirton Church.
You can do it monthly if you wish at only £5 per month. (£50 if joining for the whole year and £28 for 6 months.)
The prize fund each month is 1/4 of the money taken each month. The rest of the money goes to the Kirton Church Fund.
The more people that join the higher the prize fund and the more money we raise for the church.
The November draw winning numbers will be printed in the next Kirton News magazine in February.
The December draw takes place on Sunday 18th as the normal drawing date will be Christmas Day! The winning numbers for December will also be printed in the February magazine.
Talking of Christmas, I would like to wish you all a very happy one and also my very best wishes for a happy, healthy and especially lucky 2017.
For more information about Kirton Church Fund please ring Fay on 01205 723529
ember magazine.
The October draw takes place on Sunday 23rd with winning numbers printed in the December magazine.
If you need more information about Kirton Church Fund please give Fay a ring on 01205 723529.
September 2016 Winners
1st PRIZE - £37.97 - TICKET NUMBER: 53
2nd PRIZE - £12.65 -
Kids Club
The new term has just begun after a two week break which included Bonfire night and Halloween.The children are now looking forward to Christmas!
The term includes lots of glitter and sparkle, mixed with a huge dollop of excitement and enthusiasm.
The children always makes lots of beautiful arts and crafts this term which includes helping to create the decorations for the Christmas tree that will go into the village Church.
Such a lovely time of year – a real community and family time when the children love to get involved in all sorts of fun activities.
Breakfast club is still very busy but there are a few places in the after school sessions should you require more time after the school day.
Breakfast Club is £3.50 per child per session and after school is still £5.50 per child per session.
The children have a lovely time playing and socialising with friends and class mates.
They enjoy a hot or cold breakfast in the morning and a ‘high tea’ in the afternoon included in the price.
If you are interested please feel free to ring on 07583 762072 or pop in to the Youth Centre – next to the village Church.
Ofsted and Charity registered.
goings on . . . . .
The ‘Annual’ Village Quiz was held on November 11th at The Town Hall (as advertised in our November edition, Ed.) and was, this year, very well attended. Amongst those taking part [some noticable by their absence from years past] was a ‘scratch team’ made up from two pairs who just turned up for the ‘crack’. Calling themselves “The Strangers” their performance proved to be irresistable and they came out the winners beating last years’ champions - the Peacock Nomads - into second place by two points. A good night was had by all.
It is hoped that the renewed increase in numbers has encouraged the organisers to keep the event going; so ‘thanks must go out to George and Paula Davies for orgnisation and question setting and the Town Hall Committee for putting on a splendid evening of entertainment.
Get your brains in gear and look out for the return match in November 2017!
Kirton Primary School Celebrates
Being in the Top 5% of Schools Nationally
Kirton Primary School is celebrating after achieving outstanding successes in the recent round of national SATs tests. For progress in writing and maths, Kirton Primary School finds itself in the top 5% of schools across the country.
The progress the children made across all subjects is statistically significant in national terms, and there were no underperforming groups for the second year running.
Well done Kirton Primary!
Kirton Church
Christmas Tree
Festival 2016
The popular annual Christmas Tree Festival will be held in Kirton Parish Church over the first two weekends of December: Saturdays 3rd and 10th December 11am – 4pm Sundays 4th and 11th December 12 noon – 4pm.
Once again the church will be filled with beautifully decorated Christmas trees all sponsored by local schools, clubs, societies businesses and organisations. With this year’s theme of ‘Christmas Pantomimes’ there should be many imaginative and fun Christmas trees to view.
Stalls at the Festival: There will be a grand raffle with a well stocked Christmas Hamper as first prize and plenty of other prizes to win.
Stalls include a Tombola stall and a furry toy tombola stall, homemade cakes and preserves, craft items, a ‘Nearly New’ stall, a good selection of handmade Christmas cards on sale and a Lucky Dip.
A good choice of refreshments will be available throughout the Festival.
Children’s Christmas Trail: For the children there will be a Children’s Christmas Trail around the church with prizes for the first three correct entries drawn at the end of the Festival. Entry forms will be available in church.
On the last day of the Christmas Tree Festival, Sunday 11th December, there will be a Christingle Service for adults and children starting at 3pm.
For further information about the Festival contact Margaret 01205 722052 or Fay 01205 723529.
A big thank you to all our sponsors for supporting this year’s Christmas Tree Festival. The Kirton Church Christmas Tree Festival is well worth a visit - Don’t miss it! Make a note of the dates and just come along.
Many thanks to:-
Middlecott Academy,
Kirton Primary School,
Kirton Parish Council,
The Royal British Legion
The Royal British Legion Women’s Section,
Kirton Scouts, Cubs & Beavers,
Kirton Guides, Brownies & Rainbows,
The Kirton Kids Club,
The Kirton Methodist Church,
The Kirton Mother’s Union,
The Sisterhood,
The Kirton Church Social Club,
The Monday Club,
The Kirton Ladies Luncheon Club,
Frampton Women’s Institute,
White Gables Nursing Home,
Woodland Court Care Home,
Thera Trust,
Kirton Town Hall Management Committee,
Kirton Library,
The Scout Shop,
Rush’s Hairdressing,
The Salon,
LB Hair Studio,
Elwood Briggs & Turner
Kirton Healthcare,
The Kirton Firemen,
Kirton Bowling Club,
Kirton Kurlers,
The Kirton Walkers,
Andrew Dennis of Woodlands Farm,
Maggie Welberry of Home Farm Produce,
David & Sylvia Hilton for the ‘Kirton News’ tree,
Christians Against Poverty
The Kirton Bell Ringers.

The Registers
Baptisms - We welcome into God’s family:
Logan Louis Butterwick
Mia Rose - Michelle Roberts
Armi Dean - Albert Roberts
Aronas Petrov
Weddings - We ask God's blessing on:
No Weddings this month
Funerals - We commend to God’s keeping:
George William Stamp